11 of the Best Places to Go Paddleboarding in Cornwall in 2023

11 of the Best Places to Go Paddleboarding in Cornwall in 2023

The words paddleboarding and Cornwall are almost synonymous given that the peninsula has hundreds of sandy beaches that are not only weather-friendly but picture-perfect – great for anyone who wishes to get both their sweat on and a shot for the gram.  In fact, Instagram data shows that Cornwall has the most beautiful beaches in…

What Muscles Do Paddle Boarding Work? [2023]

What Muscles Do Paddle Boarding Work? [2023]

Do you want to know exactly what muscles do paddle boarding work ? The main muscle groups that are often activated during paddleboarding are your mid-back muscles(latissimus Dorsi), shoulders(deltoids), arms(biceps and triceps) and abs.  Stand-up paddleboarding and SUP exercise is a great muscle workout!  If you love paddle boarding, you will agree that this water…

Paddle Boarding In The Rain -You NEED To Know This! [2023]

Paddle Boarding In The Rain -You NEED To Know This! [2023]

Are you wondering whether paddle boarding in the rain is possible??  The answer is YES. If you want to practice paddle boarding regularly, you have to take into account that not every day is a sunny day. There will be moments where the day is gloomy or even pouring with rain outside.  To be honest…

16 Best Cheap Inflatable Paddle Board For Any Budget!

16 Best Cheap Inflatable Paddle Board For Any Budget!

Are you planning to go paddleboarding soon? If you are a watersports lover, you must be looking for the best cheap inflatable paddle board that is durable and of good quality. Paddleboarding can be a relatively cheap water sport. The only concern is how expensive a paddleboard can be. With so many options in the…